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Yashoda Damodara

This glorious pastime of Damodar-lila illustrates how the Supreme Lord is conquered by the love of His devotees. Due to the offense of breaking the butter pot, Krishna was punished by mother Yashoda by being bound to a wooden grinding mortar. Despite repeated attempts, Yashoda failed as the rope fell short by two fingers. Krishna …

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Krishna’s dance with gopis is not ordinary dance between yound boys and girls. Lord Krishna is the Supreme God and the gopis are His energies who happen to be the most beautiful girls in creation. On the full-moon night of Sharad season, when Krishna called the gopis by sounding His flute, they rushed with the …

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Brahma Vimohana Lila

Brahma wanted to check if Krishna is really the Supreme God. Therefore, once when Krishna, along with his cowherd boy friends and the calves, went for a picnic with in the forest, Brahma stole all the calves and cowherd boys and hid them. To prove his supremacy, Krishna immediately expanded himself to become exactly like …

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Shrimati Radharani is the eternal consort of Lord Krishna. Her appearance day – Radhastami is celebrated exactly two weeks after Krishna Janmashtami. Shrimati Radharani’s special qualification is that she is the best devotee of Krishna therefore Krishna loves her the most, on this festival day devotees seeking Krishna’s grace ask Shrimati Radharani to grant them …

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Krishna Janmashtami

Janmashtami is the major festival for Vaishnavas. Traditionally devotees fast until midnight, the hour of Lord Krishna’s appearance, having spent the day performing devotional activities in honor of this most auspicious occasion. This festival celebrates His arrival in this world in His original form as a two-armed beautiful cowherd boy, with blusih hued skin who …

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Lifting of Govardhan Hill

Lord Indra, overcome by anger at the residents of Vrindavan for canceling their sacrifice for his pleasure, punished them by sending forth a devastating rainfall to Vrindavan. Krishna smashed to pieces Indra’s false pride by lifting Govardhan Hill with the little finger of his left hand. Indra finally begged forgiveness after witnessing Krishna’s mystic power …

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Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Temple